Hey I'm Jan

Frontend Developer

Started with The Odin Project in 2023, now studying full-time at Chas Academy to build dynamic web experiences.



Weather App

July 2024

A weather app that displays the current weather and a 7-day forecast for any place on earth. Supports manual search and automatic user location detection.

This project taught me how to use APIs to access data, specifically visualcrossing for their weather data and Googles Geocoding API to convert geographic coordinates into a displayable address. I also used Figma to plan out the websites design beforehand for the first time, which helped tremendously during development.

Across the Obelisk Randomizer

February 2024

A team randomizer for the game Across the Obelisk! We wanted a change from playing optimized setups, so we built a randomizer to force us to try new team compilations. This project taught me a lot about how to maintain code when working in a team and using VSCode's built in Merge Editor to resolve conflicts.

Restaurant Page

May 2023

A frontpage for a fictional restaurant set in the Kingdom of Hyrule. With this project I deepened my knowledge of DOM manipulation, creating the majority of it using Javascript only, while also improving dynamic scaling with flexbox.

Tic Tac Toe

May 2023

Tic Tac Toe! With a lot of new knowledge about objects, functions and constructors I created this game with the goal of having as little global code as possible. The next objective is to add a computer opponent for the player to play against.


April 2023

A web application used to track read books. This project taught me how to use objects and arrays to store and manipulate data and how to turn that data into a visual space. I will return to this project at a later point in the curriculum to add local and cloud storage support.


March 2023

In my third Javascript Project I developed a calculator app. I combined everything I learned about HTML, CSS and Javascript to develop a fully functional calculator with a clean and minimalist design. I learned a lot about error handling by preventing the user from breaking the application with unwanted inputs and increased accessibility by making the calculator operational using keyboard inputs.


March 2023

In this project I'm building an Etch-A-Sketch, implementing various basic features and some extras like a custom color slider and a themed Rainbow Mode. I learned a lot about manipulating DOM elements and their properties with Javascript and using Event Listeners to make the application react dynamically to the users inputs.

Rock Paper Scissors

Feb. 2023

My first Javascript project. Originally the game was only playable in console but now I added a fully functional User Interface. This project taught me the basic concepts of Javascript and how to use it to build an interactive UI.

Starbucks coding exercise

Feb. 2023

A small coding exercise in which I try to recreate the starbucks.com frontpage with as much accuracy as possible, deepening my knowledge of how to use the CSS Box Model to develop well-structured websites.

freeCodeCamp.org Certification Projects

Responsive Web Design Cert.

In February 2023 I completed freeCodeCamp.org's Responsive Web Design course earning the respective certification.


Contact me here!